Thursday, January 17, 2013

color in winter

Why yes, you can find color in the north during the winter months, you just have to look a little harder for it.  The thing about color in the winter is, that it is utterly obvious and rather unique, so when you do come across it, it's hard to look away and much more appreciated.

Today, I saw an elderly woman with the most vivid shade of a pink chapeau(that is "Fancy Nancy" french for hat) on her head, and I was captivated by the sheer brightness of it, it just mesmerized me.  I'm sure I would not have had that same uplifting response to the Pepto Bismol pink in the middle of  the summer months, when I'm usually surrounded by a plethora of bright hues. So today I say "thank you" to that little old lady, who probably thought I was a little creepy for staring at her, and want her to know I appreciate her choice in hats.

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