I love wearing the wife, the mom, the nani and the friend hat, it is such a large part of my life and who I am. One of my favorite ways of communicating my enjoyment is by cooking, especially the things that bring smiles to their faces.
It's funny how as things changed in my life so did my recipes. I mean, I still have my traditional few that no one seems to want to change, but for the most part, as my life changed so did my collection of recipes.
There is a lot of emotion connected to food if you stop to think about it, and that can be good or bad. It's funny how some food will bring back such vivid memories. One of my greatest food memories would have to be peanut butter and gritty homemade jelly sandwiches and windmill cookies with a mushy apple for lunch at school. That was a lunch no one would trade for. Ahh but then there were the days that I would open the bag to a store bought chemically processed Hostess Twinkie. Now that is one good food memory.
Just some thoughts on food.